New Research in Sustainable Water Engineering is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Articles sent to this journal will be submitted to at least 3 reviewers, if they are deemed scientifically appropriate.
Corresponding author
- Registering the corresponding author in the journal system
- Registering the profile of paper authors in the system
- Uploading the paper and necessary forms (checklist, letter of commitment, conflict of interest form and suggested reviewers)
By going to the website, dear authors could see the submitted paper and its steps as the co-author.
Journal’s secretariat
- Receiving the paper by the journal’s expert (the paper will be resent if it does not have the required format, letter of commitment and forms, as well as if there is an error in the inclusion of the authors’ names)
- Sending the paper to the editorial board members and appointing reviewers
- Sending the paper to the reviewers (at least 3 reviewers). The mean time to complete these steps by the secretariat will be about 10 days.
Referring to the corresponding author
- If two positive responses are received from the reviewers, the paper will be sent to the corresponding author for corrections.
- If negative responses is received from the reviewers, the paper will be rejected.
- If corrections are made by the corresponding author and resubmitted to the journal, the paper will be sent for peer review.
- If the peer reviewer’s response is positive, the request to pay the publication fee will be sent to the corresponding author via email.
- If the peer reviewer’s response is negative, the paper will be resent to the corresponding author for corrections.
- If the fee is paid and the journal approves, the initial acceptance letter will be issued by the journal. The time to complete these steps depends on the cooperation of the reviewers and corresponding author, which will be 30-45 days on average.
Journal secretariat
- Sending the initial acceptance letter to the corresponding author
- Doing editing and page layout and getting the final approval of the corresponding writer
- Getting final acceptance and waiting for publication. The time to complete these steps will be 20 days on average.
Flowchart of process of reviewing and publishing papers