Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Water Science and Engineering, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Water Science and Engineering, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food Technology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



Considering the decrease in rainfall and the quantitative and qualitative limitation of water resources in the Semnan Plain, and considering the drought and water shortage conditions, it is important to study and provide a solution for the optimal use of the potential and existing resources in creating sustainable agriculture. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the appropriate cultivation pattern and avoid the cultivation of crops with high water consumption. For this purpose, by compiling and completing a number of 10 questionnaires at the level of 500 hectares, in the crop year 96-97 among the farmers of the region and using the instructions for determining the water productivity in the fields of the Agricultural Research, Education and Promotion Organization of the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture regarding the determination of water productivity Two strategic crops were applied in Semnan plain, the results showed that the fodder corn plant with a physical productivity index of 5.87 kg/m3 and an economic productivity index of 11516 rials/m3 compared to the wheat plant with a yield index The physical fertility of 0.78 kg/m3 and the economic productivity index of 6055 Rials/m3 can be considered as a suitable cultivation pattern in the Semnan Plain region to increase water productivity.


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