Document Type : Original Article
Department of Environmental science, University of Tehran, Tehran
In crisis management, flood risk is one of the riskiest natural disasters that have to special look to it. One of the most important tasks in the field of flood mitigation and prevention of occurrence is zoning of potential flooding and classification of the flood risk. To prevent the occurrence of floods, it is necessary to identify areas having high potential for this phenomenon. Because the area of Ravansar is highly flood-producing and because of financial as well as physical damages caused by floods each year, we need to identify risk areas. The present study seeks to offer a method for zoning the flood-producing potentials of Ravansar. According to the research objectives, ArcGIS and AHP were used to investigate the flood-producing potential of study area. For this purpose, slope, elevation, NDVI, rain, distance from stream and land use as effective parameters in flooding in the studied were selected. After the experts familiar with the watershed completed the questionnaire, these parameters were weighted. Using the results of weighting, the flooding potential zoning map was then calculated. Based on the results flood hazard potential was zoned and finally, the was categorized into five classes based on flood hazard risk, southern part of Ravansar have been introduced as areas prone to flooding that are included respectively %24/8 and %21/6 of the area with low permeability and slow slope (0-5 degree), low altitude (1126-1508 m), near from the stream, low NDVI, high rain (814 millimeter) and urban land use to the other sectors.
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