Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, IRAN.
2 Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Drought is a situation of lack of rainfall and an increase in temperature that can occur in any climate. Meteorological drought in the long term leads to the reduction of water resources through the reduction of surface and groundwater flows. Knowledge of the propagation time of meteorological droughts to hydrological and hydrogeological droughts is very important in managing and planning water resources. This study investigated the time delay of hydrological and hydrogeological droughts compared to meteorological droughts in the Nazlou Chay sub-basin in the west of the Lake Urmia basin. For this purpose, three drought indices SPI, SDI, and GRI were used based on 30-year rainfall and discharge data and 18-year piezometric data. The results showed that hydrological and hydrogeological droughts have a significant correlation with meteorological droughts in the study area. On the other hand, the time required for the propagation of meteorological drought to hydrological drought in the study area is 6 months on average, and the propagation time of meteorological droughts to hydrogeological droughts is 17 months. However, in the case of hydrological droughts, the precipitation factor explained a small percentage (15 percent) of the variance of the hydrological drought index, and therefore climatic factors other than precipitation (such as temperature), basin characteristics, or human factors contributed more to the changes in hydrological drought.
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