Document Type : Original Article






In the discussion of flood management, the use of embankment plug fuses and dams is considered very important. The embankment plug fuse prevents the sudden overtopping of dams against sudden floods and allows the discharge of excess flows during floods. Gives. In this research, with the experimental modeling of a homogeneous embankment fuse plug, with the aim of investigating the destruction of the embankment plug fuse structure and how the breach in it expands due to the current passing through as a result of the change in the dimensions of the pilot channel, the rate of increase of the water height behind the structure and the change in height. A total of 36 tests were conducted and their degradation characteristics were analyzed. 3D analysis of the breach in embankment plug after passing water through it was done, and these analyzes include the crack expansion rate, the shape of the breach, and the way the breach expands. The results obtained from the gap analysis showed that the plug fuse destruction process takes place in 3 stages. Also, the duration of complete splitting between 40 and 55 seconds was measured in different modes. The results of the examination of the breach-opening rate showed that in about 20 seconds, a turning point can be seen in the graphs, which indicates a decrease in the opening rate in the second stage due to the undermining process around the pilot channel.


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