Document Type : Original Article
1 PhD Candidate in Water Resources Science and Engineering, Tabriz University
2 West Azerbaijan Regional Water Company
The exploitation system of irrigation and drainage networks can be effective in choosing the type of measurement tool and its exploitation. The selection of flow measurement tools depends on factors such as required accuracy, cost, protection and maintenance requirements, hydraulic considerations, adaptation to operating conditions, etc. The purpose of this research is to compare the practical methods of measuring the hydraulic parameters of flow in irrigation networks in operation in order to determine the most suitable tool for measuring flow. In this research, the flow meter mechanical device (MO), an electronic portable ultrasonic flow meter device equipped with an pressure altimeter (CC) and electronic radar flow meter device equipped with ultrasonic altimeter (OFR) an common and fixed point in the left bank channel of the irrigation and drainage network Mahabad (LMC) were evaluated at three water levels of 0.6, 1 and 1.2 meters. The results showed that the average flow rate changes of MO, CC and OFR measuring instruments at 0.6 and 1 meter levels were about 23%. At the level of 1.2 meters due to the increase in flow volume, the formation of surface waves and the proper flow pattern; the flow rate changes of OFR and CC devices are less than 5%, which shows the acceptable accuracy of both devices based on the nature of the measurement equipment. In addition, it can be acknowledged that the OFR device with periodic calibration by the CC device can be used as a useful tool in measuring the parameters of flow, velocity and water level height.
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